Author Guidelines

Every article submitted to Jurnal Solutif: Jurnal Pendidikan Masyarakat must follow the following author guidelines:

1. Title

The title of the article must be written in Indonesian and cannot be more than 12 words. The title is centered in bold, in 16-point Cambria font size.

2. Author's name

Author's name using Cambrian font size 12 space 1, in bold and not including title. Affiliation is written the name of the institution directly and the country, no need to mention the study program, and write down the email.

3. Abstract

Abstracts must be written in two languages (Indonesian, English). This explains that the essence of the script must be 100-250 words. It contains the title, objectives, methods and findings. Authors must select keywords from the menu of the submission system so that readers can search for articles once published. Keywords consist of 3-5 words or phrases. Paragraph Space 1, written in 10 points and using Cambria. Abstracts must be written in Indonesian, English correctly.

4. Keywords

keywords consist of 3-5 words what is written.


This shows the research background and previous research as the basis for the novelty of this research. In addition, it covers broad context research in a nutshell and highlights why it is important. Described to provide deep understanding. Gaps in the literature must be firmly established. The current state of the research field must be carefully reviewed. Finally, research questions are generated accordingly. Research objectives and their significance must be clearly defined. As far as possible, this introduction can be justified.


It must be written in paragraphs. It describes the research approach, types of research, data collection techniques, and data analysis. They must accurately reflect and describe the research objectives.


This refers to the full result; the results of data analysis. The results should be discussed for each. This includes how they can be interpreted in the perspective of theory and study. Findings and implications should be discussed in context.

The discussion interprets and explains the importance of these findings based on what is already known about the research problem being investigated. It also describes any new insights or insights that emerge from other theories and / or research.


It summarizes the main points of evidence or findings from the research problem. It consists of two paragraphs (as maximum). Please do not restate findings and discussion. Provide discussion of overall article coverage and closing remarks.


Explain about the parties that contribute to research, for example research funders or institutions that support and are directly involved in research. If there is an agreement or research contract, the contract number must be written in full.


It must be listed in alphabetical order. Please ensure that all information in your manuscript which is taken from other sources is supported by in-text references. A minimum of 75% of sources published in the past 10 years are required for each submission.